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讲座通知——荷兰乌特勒支大学 Marleen教授

时间:2015-03-28 点击:

时 间:2015年4月7日下午 14:00

地 点: 4号楼203

主讲人: Marleen 教授

主持人: 蒋铁初 教授

讲座题目:Protecting Drinking Water Resources


2007 - present Full professor and chair of European and Dutch Water

             Law at the Institute for Jurisprudence, Constitutional and

               Administrative Law

2013- present Research leader Research program Water and Sustainability

             Head of the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans  and      

             Sustainability Law,Utrecht University

2008 –present Visiting professor European Environmental Lawat the

               Université de Paris II-Assas Pantheon (LLM/Master European Law,

               responsible for the course on European environmental law),

               in 2012-2013 only for water law.

2013 – present Visiting professor of water lawin the international master

                Energy, Environmental and Climate Law, University of Malta,

                Valetta campus, Malta

2010-  present  Utrechtresearch leader of the Ius Commune Research

              School(Transboundary Environmental Law)

2006 - present  Substitute Judgeat the Oost-Brabant (Den Bosch) district court

                (since 22 December 2006)



